1 x Band Workshop


Saturday Band Workshops

Admission to any of our Saturday band workshops

Under 18’s – 1pm until 2:30pm

Adults – 3pm until 4:30pm

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Music Workshop – Admission to any of our Saturday band workshops. Great for anyone learning Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys/Piano or Vocals who wants to play with other musicians of a similar level.

Play with experienced musicians and other learners by joining our Music Workshop

Our band sessions workshops are great for anyone learning Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards or Vocals. Playing with other musicians is often the best way to continue your learning and further progress.

We offer both adult and under 18 band sessions. Sessions are arranged to match people not only with people of similar musical tastes but also with appropriate ages. The band workshops are a chance to show off your skills and play alongside other musicians. Develop your technique, meet new people and gain real band and musicianship skills.

We have 2 sessions running every Saturday. Anyone learning Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keys, Piano or Vocals is welcome to come and join. The sessions are inclusive to all levels of players.

Mid Week Band Workshops

Tuesday’s – Adult – Chilled and Acoustic 8:30pm to 109m (Liam Kelly)

Wednesday’s – Under 18’s – 6:30pm until 8pm (Neil Maunder)

Thursday’s – 4:15pm – Under 18’s – (Joel Bristow)

Thursday’s – 6pm – Adults  – (Joel Bristow)

Thursday’s – 8:30pm – 18 to 25yr Olds (Zak Langford-Do)

Saturday Band Workshops

Adults – 1pm until 2:30pm (Neil Maunder)

Under 18’s – 3pm until 4:30pm (Zak Langford-Do)

Under 18’s – 4:45pm until 6:15pm (Zak Langford-Do)

Under 18’s – 5:30pm to 7pm (Joel Bristow)

More info – Read more about our workshops

Student Feedback on our Music Workshop

” Playing with others really helps build confidence and improves timing but most of all is very enjoyable experience when it starts to come together. All the Music Teachers and students I have met and worked with during band workshop have been very dedicated, always friendly and make you feel accepted. So if you a serious about learning to play with others in a band then this is a great place to learn.”  Bryan Prestbury


What Level do I Need To be to start the sessions workshops?

All Levels are welcome. As long as you have a few basics down on your instrument you will really benefit from the band sessions.

When Can I Start the workshops?

You can start any Saturday. Just check on the times above.

What Do I Need to Bring?

You don’t need to bring anything. We have all the equipment you will need here. Guitarists and Bassists are welcome to bring their own instruments.

Will I Get To Perform Live?

Yes. Everyone who attends the band workshops will play in our student showcase gigs

Where Do The Student Showcase Gigs Takes Place?

We host the gigs at various venues around Manchester. Previous venues include ‘The King’s Arms Theater’, ‘Urmston Men’s Club’, ‘The Fuse’ and ‘St Kent’s Irish and Social Club’ and ‘The Charlton Club’.

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